BCI Seeks Nominations for Hall of Excellence
BCI has a tradition of academic, artistic and athletic excellence, with graduates distinguishing themselves in everything from heart surgery to Olympic rowing.
The school honours that excellence by seeking annual nominations for the BCI Hall of Excellence Awards. The awards, presented at a ceremony each fall, recognize graduates who have not only distinguished themselves in the academic and work world, but who have used their lives to improve their communities.
We want to honour academic and professional excellence and also show our students what can be achieved with a BCI education.
Nominators will be asked to provide information on a nominee’s academic and professional achievements, volunteer efforts, as well as military, artistic, political and athletic achievements that are applicable.
Nomination forms are available by clicking here or they can be picked up at the BCI office. There is also an electronic form which can be filled out - available at a later date.
Forms must be submitted by mid-May every year.
For more information, please call:
Brockville Collegiate Institute