Message from School Council
On behalf of the BCI School Council, we would like to welcome you to our school. We hope to use the parent section of the BCI web site to keep you informed of activities undertaken by the parent council. You can also find the minutes of prior meetings posted below.
Our Purpose
To promote, to support, and to enhance learning for students of BCI.
To foster increased sharing and communications between the school and community.
To ensure that BCI school community interests are strongly represented.
To support and enhance the unique characteristics of BCI.
All meetings are open to BCI families. We look forward to working together! If you have questions about how to get involved, please contact us.
To learn more about the role of School Councils:
School Councils: A Guide for Members
Chair: Reg Knudson
Meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams, if you would like an invite please forward your name and email to [email protected].
Meetings will be held on the following dates: TBD
Search in the folders below for the agenda and minutes of our meetings.