Exam Schedule
Each semester of each school year we have designated “Exam Days” where we schedule our exams for our secondary students. We attempt to arrange for students only to have to write one exam on each day, however, given our five period day schedule here at BCI, with our MSIP, we do require some students each semester to write two exams in one day. We try to limit this to the fewest students possible. Portions of these days, when exams are not being written, are used for assessment, and extra support for students.
Culminating Activities Schedule
In response to student requests for support with time management we have created this new schedule for all the summative assignments due at the end of the semester.
In addition to the scheduling of formal exams, teachers have also assigned a variety of other summative tasks to obtain evidence of student achievement. These take the form of assigned research essays, presentations, interviews, the performance of activities and many more. Each of these have been introduced to the students through their Course Outline at the beginning of the semester and regular reminders of the due dates occur in class. Support for completion is, of course, part of the daily learning and teaching.
Support For Time Management & Studying
Our own Virtual Learning Commons has a number of great resources to assist students in preparing for exams and to help with getting organized heading into the end of the semester. Click: VLC Learning Skills
What is a "Culminating Activity?"
A Culminating Activity is a form of evaluation administered at or towards the end of a course. An exam is an example of one type of culminating activity. There are, however, other types that can and are used: a performance, an essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content. All evaluation and assessment has the primary purpose of improving student learning. Evaluation refers to the process of judging the quality of student learning on the basis of established performance standards and then assigning a value to represent that quality (from Growing Success, p. 38).
A culminating activity requires students to think about and demonstrate understanding of the big ideas in the course. They are multifaceted and require a variety of different skills. It allows the student an opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive achievement of the overall expectations of the course.
All culminating activities bring together the big ideas and learning that has taken place and, as such, are described in advance and teachers prepare students throughout the semester work to demonstrate their learning on the culminating activity.
Students with special education needs and English language learners are accommodated according to their Individual Education Plan.
Are exams optional?
Attendance is mandatory. The Ontario Curriculum requires that final grades be arrived at through an evaluation comprised of 70% based on the evaluation conducted throughout the course and 30% from the culminating activity. We try to accommodate students and families by posting the school year calendar early each year with the designated exam days clearly marked. It is hoped that work schedules and family vacations be scheduled around these important dates.
What if a student is sick and can't attend a scheduled exam?
We understand that unforeseen emergencies can arise and we accommodate them on a case-by-case basis. We typically ask that a doctor's note be provided if a student cannot attend. Parents are asked to contact the office to arrange accommodations.
Is the Cafeteria or The Learning Commons open?
The kitchen shuts down during exams but the space is open for students. Students are not permitted in the halls while exams are being written. Both the cafeteria and the Learning Commons are available for studying.
What Is Expected Of Students After They Write Their Exam?
Students are required to remain in their exam room for a minimum of 1 hour. Upon dismissal, they must leave the hallway quickly and quietly. If students are leaving the school after writing an exam, they should sign out with parent permission as they would leave on any other school day. We appreciate parents' support in providing notes to reduce the number of calls our Office Assistant has to make.
If you have any specific questions about specific exams or culminating assignments, you are encouraged to contact your teacher, or your child’s teacher, directly.