Welcome to Brockville Collegiate Institute Learning Commons
Open Daily during MSIP periods - please check in with the MSIP teacher.
Mrs. Mannseichner, the Learning Commons Informationist is available:
Tuesday – 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Thursday – 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Friday – 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Open over the lunch hour - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
(Open hours depend on supervision available)

Drop by and "Check Out" something exciting to read.

The Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) http://vlc.ucdsb.ca
Discover books, websites, research databases, help with homework, cool software and a whole lot more
Collaborate by posting comments, talking to other students on discussion boards, taking online polls
Create with cool software, sending us your projects, telling us about books you like and more
This online resource is available to students, teachers and families 24/7 and can be accessed from any electronic device.
Check out the "Ask Us" feature for access to a Learning Commons Informationist who is ready to provide support for homework help or general questions concerning services and material available through your school Learning Commons and VLC.
Learning Commons Rules
The Learning Commons is a shared environment for students wishing to sign out library books, read, study, access computers and participate in class work and discussions. It consists of the Library, Computers, and study areas. You are asked to be respectful of all students and keep noise levels at a reasonable volume.
Eating and drinking are not permitted. This is not a dining room or cafeteria. Use of this area is a privilege so please tidy up when you leave. Garbage cans and recycle bins are available for your use.
Students may sign out up to three books for a period of two weeks. Books may be renewed as often as necessary. There are no overdue fines; however, payment for or replacement of books that are lost or damaged beyond repair is a requirement. Please remember that all books signed out under a student's name will remain on their UCDSB library record until the books are either returned or losses have been cleared.
School Library Catalogue - Destiny
Staff and students can browse the School Library Destiny Catalogue from any computer in the school. Simply go to http://destinyhome.edu.ucdsb.on.ca and follow the link to Brockville Collegiate Institute.
Style Guide for Essays and Research Papers
Includes outlines for title pages, bibliographies, footnote, citations, and quotations
Local Public Libraries
Library Cards are free for ALL students attending school in Brockville – even if you don’t live within the city of Brockville. It’s easy: just drop in to the library with a valid student card or a report card and ID showing your name and current address. If you are under 16, you need a parent or guardian with you.